has made it possible for thermal images to be recorded at room temperature. This breakthrough opened up infrared and long-wave imaging to a wide range of applications for which photon detectors do ...
A researcher has developed a new technique to detect long wave infrared (LWIR) photons of different wavelengths or 'colors.' The new detection and imaging technique will have applications in analyzing ...
University of Central Florida (UCF) researcher Debashis Chanda, a professor at UCF's NanoScience Technology Center, has ...
Debashis Chanda, a professor at the University of Central Florida’s (UCF) NanoScience Technology Center, has developed a new ...
Infrared detectors are generally classified as being either thermal or photon (quantum) detectors. Lead Sulfide (PbS) and Lead Selenide (PbSe) detectors are both members of the lead-salt family of ...