"A Mighty Adventure" is based on the top rated animated preschool series PAW Patrol, airing on Nickelodeon and produced by Spin Master Entertainment. This all-new live stage show picks up where ...
The Mighty Movie was a super-powered adventure. Production members say this live show will imitate some of that magic. PAW Patrol Live! welcomes kids of all ages. You can expect to see characters ...
Jeff Dietzel joins us to tell us what makes this heroic story so unique and a favorite among children and adults. Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs Accuser Details Alleged Sexual Assault at White Party: ‘I ...
Tickets to the stage show would make a great Christmas gift. PAW Patrol Live! “A Mighty Adventure” will be at the Giant Center for five shows on Saturday, Jan. 11, and Sunday, Jan. 12.
Held at MBS’ Sands Theatre, the ‘PAW Patrol Live! The Great Pirate Adventure’ takes audiences on a journey as they follow a pirate’s treasure map, how they can learn pirate catchphrases ...