The 1970s TV show "Starsky and Hutch" featured the titular detectives riding around in the now-iconic 1976 bright red Ford Gran Torino solving crimes. While the show used several cars throughout ...
Bay City cops Ken "Hutch" Hutchinson, and Dave Starsky take on a former college drug dealer who has become a white-collar criminal. Snoop Dogg and Vince Vaughn also feature. Snoop Dogg and Vince ...
Read more: 15 Shows Like Brooklyn Nine-Nine You Need To See The on-screen other half to Soul's Hutch, Glaser played Detective Dave Starsky in the original ... on episodes of "Criminal Minds ...
Paul Michael Glaser rose to fame as one half of "Starsky & Hutch." The show ... "Band of the Hand," "Judging Amy," "Las Vegas ...
which starred Ben Stiller as Starsky and Owen Wilson as Hutch. Stiller paid tribute to Soul by reposting a clip from the original TV series on X (formerly Twitter), accompanied by the message ...