The 1970s TV show "Starsky and Hutch" featured the titular detectives riding around in the now-iconic 1976 bright red Ford Gran Torino solving crimes. While the show used several cars throughout ...
STARSKY & HUTCH' ACTOR DAVID SOUL DEAD AT 80 ... And The Source Of Light" and "The Edge of Whimsy," which features some of ...
Read more: 15 Shows Like Brooklyn Nine-Nine You Need To See The on-screen other half to Soul's Hutch, Glaser played Detective Dave Starsky in the original Southern California-set series.
Comedy, starring Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson. Bay City cops Ken "Hutch" Hutchinson, and Dave Starsky take on a former college drug dealer who has become a white-collar criminal. Snoop Dogg and ...
which starred Ben Stiller as Starsky and Owen Wilson as Hutch. Stiller paid tribute to Soul by reposting a clip from the original TV series on X (formerly Twitter), accompanied by the message ...