In 2016, NASA embarked on a new and unique mission: sending the Osiris-REx spacecraft to rendezvous with the asteroid Bennu to study the rocky space object and collect samples to return to ...
Radio signals from 330 million km away confirm the probe made contact with the 500m-wide object known as Bennu. But the Nasa-led mission will have to wait on further data from Osiris-Rex before it ...
A space capsule from NASA’s Osiris-REx mission to the asteroid Bennu landed in Utah on Sunday. The sample of rocks and dust—the largest ever collected from an asteroid—could help scientists ...
Early analysis of the asteroid Bennu sample returned by NASA's OSIRIS-REx mission has unveiled surprising insights into the early solar system and the potential origins of life on Earth.
The mission’s scientists shared pictures of the plumes… Read More NASA’s OSIRIS-REx spacecraft today maneuvered into an orbit that takes it within 4,000 feet of the surface of Bennu ...
Last week, NASA’s OSIRIS-REx spacecraft pulled off a feat that it had never attempted before. After spending months orbiting the space rock known as Bennu, the probe touched down on the asteroid ...
That was Dante Lauretta's take after reviewing the first pictures to come down from Nasa's Osiris-Rex probe following its bid to grab a sample from asteroid Bennu on Tuesday. Dust and grit flew in ...