The tumultuous journey of adolescence hides a deeper story. How the NHS is failing children and young people crippled by ...
The surge in mental health referrals among young people has prompted debate among experts about the cause - and the most ...
One 16-year-old girl told Childline: "I feel so lonely all the time, I end up crying and trying to sleep until the feeling goes away." ...
One in five children and young people between the ages of 8 and 25 in England are now thought to have a mental health ...
London has seen a 10 per cent increase in number of people contesting tickets on the grounds of issues such as depression and ...
England has experienced a 10 per cent rise in children needing specialist treatment for severe mental health problems ...
Time to Talk Day is the UK’s biggest conversation on mental health, helping to break down barriers and reduce the stigma.
A NEW service in the district is helping people with mental health conditions to find and maintain employment.
Concerns have been raised over the number of Kent fire service staff who have been off sick for mental health reasons.
Anyone feeling emotionally distressed or suicidal can call Samaritans for help on 116 123 or email in the ...