打开datasheet,哪些参数是需要重点关注的,哪些是需要参考的,这是硬件设计的基本功。今天我们的主角是MOSFET,接下来我们就分几篇文章介绍一下MOSFET选型时的重点参数关注以及讲解。 我们今天重点讲解Vdss,Vgss,Id,Idm参数。 datasheet中的电气参数整体分两大 ...
Nexperia has announced the launch of 16 new 80 V and 100 V power MOSFETs in the copper-clip CCPAK1212 package.
he’s linked to datasheets and has basic terminology that is easily clarified with a Google search. One of the most powerful tools that he’s included is the simple MOSFET and driver circuit ...
The benchmark PSMN1R0-100ASF is a 0.99mOhm 100V power MOSFET capable of conducting 460A and dissipating 1.55KW of power, yet in a CCPAK1212 package footprint that occupies only 12mm x 12mm of board ...