Jujutsu Kaisen follows Yuji Itadori, who, after swallowing the cursed object, Sukuna’s Finger, is sentenced to death by the higher-ups at Jujutsu High. With enough strength to control the evil ...
Jujutsu Kaisen entered its final arc over a year ago ... although defeating him was still not easy. The sorcerers struggled quite a bit to defeat Sukuna, but in the end, they certainly did ...
Jujutsu Kaisen 0 was second in the UK and US box office ... Getty Images Some fans spend a lot of time drawing characters from or inspired by their favourite anime shows or manga books One of ...
Yuta Okkotsu isn’t just a top tier DPS unit in Jujutsu Kaisen Phantom Parade. He’s also an excellent support-style utility character who can really carry your team through the game’s hardest ...