Don’t delay getting your ideas down in writing as this will test out your argument. Don’t be surprised if, as you write and continue to read, your argument continues to evolve. To check the clarity of ...
How to write a balanced argument. The presenter highlights the importance of looking at the reasons for and against the issue and makes a list looking at both sides. He gives examples of what ...
Here you will find resources to help you write critically and effectively ... can prove this is by ensuring your writing is analytical and critical rather than descriptive or exploratory. Critical ...
How to write a balanced argument. The presenter highlights the importance of looking at the reasons for and against the issue and makes a list looking at both sides. He gives examples of what ...
Do you have an introduction that draws your reader into your argument? Do you have a conclusion which leaves the reader feeling the strength and logic of your position? Revise, revise, and proofread.
An argument paper is one in which the author takes a specific stance on a topic and attempts to sway the reader. Argument papers are not always assigned as such and may include certain types of ...
Teaching children to express their thoughts persuasively is an invaluable skill that will serve them throughout their lives.
Teaching persuasive writing to Year 7 students is more than just an exercise in academic development; it’s an opportunity to ...