The care instructions for a waxed amaryllis ... you can saving your waxed amaryllis bulb after it's done blooming. First, you'll need to remove the waxy coating; soaking the entire bulb in warm ...
Two different species are sold as Christmas cactus, their care is ... to pot up the amaryllis in a pot that’s just a little bigger than the bulb and force it to bloom inside. After the danger ...
They said: "One of the easiest flower bulbs to grow and care for, amaryllis produces ... enthusiasts keen on seeing their Amaryllis thrive year after year. They suggest that once the flower ...
Some tips on growing: l Amaryllis grow best in narrow ... phosphorus content. l For after-flowering care, cut off the flower head to keep the energy in the bulb instead of allowing it to ...
During the holiday season, plants often play a central role in our decorations. While poinsettias, Amaryllis, holly, holiday cacti and evergreens receive much of the attention during the holidays, ...