In double stranded DNA, A-T and C-G will form bonds between them and therefore form base pairs. When these bonds have been formed in dsDNA, the classic double helix structure will then result. So, why ...
What is DNA, and how does it work? You don't need a degree in genetics to understand. Here, we'll give an overview of DNA and ...
The Human Genome Project relied upon the physical map of the human genome established earlier, which served as a platform for generating and analyzing the massive amounts of DNA sequence data that ...
Fearful memories are known to recruit neurons in a specific region of the brain called the amygdala. When we experience ...
By using epigenetic modifications, you can quickly write data in parallel without needing to synthesize new DNA.
▎药明康德内容团队编辑 近年来,基因编辑技术的发展让科学界拥有了改写基因的工具。不过在很多情况下,我们只想要改变特定器官组织或细胞类型中的基因,而不是通盘影响整个生物体的基因。例如在基因疗法中,避免脱靶效应就是一项重要挑战——同样是通过基因编辑替换一 ...
Science DNA breaks are toxic lesions for the cell. In order to repair these breaks, it is necessary, starting from the break ends, to find a homologous sequence within the vastness of the genome. In ...
Bricks’ of DNA, some of which have chemical tags, could one day be an alternative to storing information electronically.
胡璇 腾讯研究院高级研究员黄诗宜 腾讯游戏商业分析经理宋巧玲 腾讯游戏社会价值探索中心项目经理2024年的诺贝尔化学奖被授予三名科学家,美国华盛顿大学教授大卫·贝克(David Baker)及谷歌Deepmind公司的德米斯·哈萨比斯(Demis ...
A decade after the dairy discovery on strikingly intact remains mummified by the Taklamakan Desert’s arid conditions, scientists have extracted and sequenced DNA from the 3,600-year-old cheese, the ...
哥伦比亚环境部长兼大会主席苏珊娜•穆罕默德(Susana ...
海归发起人的公益学术平台分享信息,整合资源交流学术,偶遇风月科技兴则民族兴,科技强则国家强。在过去的一年里,我国科技事业取得的历史性成就、所发生的历史性变革在不断显现。在量子科技、生命科学、物质科学、空间科学等领域取得一批重大原创成果,微分几何学两大 ...