On Tuesday, Dec. 17, Hallmark debuted its latest dating reality show titled Small Town Set Up. Hosted by Williams, 46, the series will "follow a different set of small town parents with an adult ...
and more mysteries as the series enters the roaring 1920s. Many of the teasers that the Hallmark Channel has shared feature Elizabeth and Nathan. They must survive the cliffhanger of ...
Hallmark Mystery’s holiday series, Miracles of Christmas ... movies list and descriptions Each show airs at 8 p.m. Eastern. Additional movie descriptions will be added weekly.
As Audrey and Finn unravel the mystery of the missing rings’ owners, they discover there is more to their relationship than they ever expected to find. In order to earn her trust fund ...
Hallmark’s 2024 Miracles of Christmas series is available on Hallmark Mystery which streams on Philo, FuboTV and DirecTV Stream. Each service offers a free trial to new subscribers.
This season, a slate of 47 original movies and four festive-themed TV shows ... Hallmark programming exec Lisa Hamilton Daly said of the network’s core favorites on the Hallmark Mysteries ...