The Artstor website will be retired on Aug 1st. International Journal of Cuban Studies Vol. 2, No. 3/4, Autumn/Winter 2010 THE HAITIAN REVOLUTION: LEGACY AND ACTUA... The main objective of this ...
The French Revolution of 1789 not only propelled all of Europe into a war, but also touched off slave uprisings in the Caribbean. On Saint Domingue, the free people of color began the chain of ...
Q: What was the impact of the Haitian Revolution on Americans, black and white? How did Americans percieve Toussaint? What did Jefferson think about Haiti? A: All of the American newspapers ...
January 1st signifies the start of a new calendar year and for the Haitian community, a commemoration of independence from French rule. Haiti was the first nation to be founded by formerly enslaved ...
The population of New Orleans actually doubled in the early 19th century from a belated wave of Saint-Domingue immigrants who had first sought refuge in Cuba; these early "Haitian Americans" of many ...
Advisor: Dr. Hannah Rosen email: [[frbell]] Current Research: Atlantic World, Diaspora and Migration, Slavery and Abolition Frances Bell is historian of the revolutionary Atlantic, focusing on the ...