As Dragon Ball Super pitted Goku against Gohan, the pair immediately moved into their top transformations. This meant Gohan Beast got a taste of action against Ultra Instinct Goku. During the ...
Since Gohan was Goku's first choice to fuse with in the Buu Saga, let's take a look at whether this fusion would be stronger than Vegito! Whether it was saving Goku from near death after brutal ...
Dragon Ball Super‘s manga put Gohan Beast to a real test as he had a sparring match with Ultra Instinct Goku, and it was revealed that Gohan’s new form had enough latent power within it to hel ...
A simple change to the Resurrection F Arc results in a domino effect that heavily alters the Goku Black Arc, resulting in the creation of a new villain: Gohan Black. This terrifying foe ...