For others, go-karts represent a blank canvas, the freedom to explore one's creativity and dissect various pieces of machinery for salvageable parts. Others simply enjoy going fast. In years past ...
It's not a Wankel, but it is installed in a go-kart. LiquidPiston's X Mini engine gets a micro-scale workout in this video. isn't new, but it is endlessly fascinating. It's a rotary, but it doesn ...
Go-karts are a huge amount of fun, but often lack the most basic of mechanical conveniences such as a reverse gear. You can’t start a small four-stroke engine in reverse, so their simple chain ...
THIS is no ordinary go-kart - this home-made jet powered vehicle was built by Andy Morris, of Nottingham, UK - in his shed.
A day of fun at a Virginia amusement park turned into a nightmare for one family after their teen daughter's hair got caught in a go-kart's engine, pinning her to the vehicle.