The large salamander is presumed to still live in the wild, but is likely also mistaken for Chinese giant salamanders, which together had been thought a single species. A giant salamander whose ...
10月21日上午,北京市西城区文化和旅游局工作人员告诉经视直播记者,北京海洋馆将邀请北京市农业农村局的相关专家来现场评估,确认铭牌是否有错误,“对场馆所有鱼类铭牌进行核查,如果专家评估铭牌有错误,场馆会备案并责令修改铭牌。” ...
Lakes, streams and aquifers across North America are crawling with salamanders of all shapes and sizes. For most people, ...
而在搜索引擎、AI翻译中鱼类大鲵的英文名为“Giant Salamander”,巨骨舌鱼的英文名写成“Arapaima gigas Curier”,而在搜索引擎、AI翻译中巨骨舌鱼的 ...
Japanese giant salamanders are a rare species with over 23 million years of history. Many Japanese and foreign volunteers have been moved to join Richard's cause.
Field surveys carried out over four years suggest the Chinese giant salamander has all but disappeared from its natural habitat. In contrast, millions of the animals live in commercial farms ...
最近,有一位鱼类科普博主发布视频称,在北京海洋馆发现多处鱼类铭牌错误,例如将鱼类大鲵的英文名写成“Large Salamander”。而在搜索引擎、AI翻译中鱼类大鲵的英文名为“Giant ...
Chinese researchers recently published a first data report on the living habits, population reproductive dynamics, and habitat conditions of the wild giant salamander, an amphibian species.
Reaching nearly two metres in length, the South China giant salamander is critically endangered in the wild. Scientists say renewed conservation efforts are needed if the animal is to be saved ...
This photograph shows one living Chinese giant salamander from Guangxi Province. Disclaimer: AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert!
USA, Oita Prefecture--Home to Kyushu’s only natural habitat of the Japanese giant salamander, officials here are offering the public a real-life 3-D look at the elusive amphibian species.