Nationwide, women make 78 cents to ever dollar a man earns. Here’s a breakdown of the gender pay gap by state. National Average: 78.3¢ ...
How big is the pay gap between male and female marketing and sales freelancers? To find out, researchers at OnDeck analyzed the hourly rate charged by 9,078 US-based freelancers on Upwork who have ...
Four in 10 private companies that have published their latest gender pay gap are reporting wider gaps than they did last year, according to BBC analysis. The BBC looked at a company's median pay ...
The gender pay gap measures the difference in median hourly earnings between men and women who work full or part-time in the U.S., and over the past 20 years, it hasn’t changed much at all.
With eight out of ten firms still paying their male employees more than women, little progress has been made in closing the gender pay gap in the UK. Some sectors have shown some improvement since ...
Josie Cox is a New York-based journalist covering business and gender. The gender pay gap isn’t closing; women are penalized for becoming parents while men aren’t; and ... [+] working remotely ...
A new report says the gender pay gap, somewhere between 11.5 and 21.7 per cent, is narrowing much faster than it was previously. Big pay bumps in some industries, changes that have given more ...
This year's scorecard shows the average gender pay gap is 21.8 percent, which is a decrease of point six of a percent from last year. That means for every dollar a man earns on average ...