Eren Yeager, the anime character from Attack on Titan, transformed from a sentimental young man who wants to join the Survey Corps and annihilate the Titans to a reckless Titan-Shifter who caused ...
Mikasa’s final act of mercy in ending Eren’s life released Ymir, the founder of Titans, symbolizing the end of the Titans' curse and the beginning of potential peace for Eldians. This ...
Stray Kids' latest music video for GIANT sent fans into a frenzy, with a viral theory drawing parallels ... referencing Attack on Titan's protagonist, Eren Yeager, further fueled the theory.
Episode 68 of Attack on Titan‘s final season reveals that Zeke had actually helped to form a small anti-Marleyan rebel group within the Marley military. With their ultimate goal being to free ...
In this scene, the three characters, Eren, Armin, and Mikasa ... Attack on School Castes These alternate versions of Attack on Titan characters come from a “fake” preview segment in the ...