Benjamin the Elephant is an animated children's television show produced by Kiddinx Studios in Berlin. The show is based on audio stories by Elfie Donnelly. On the show, the eponymous main ...
A video showing two women performing Bharatanatyam, with an elephant seemingly joining in by swaying behind them, has taken social media by storm. The sight of the elephant’s movements perfectly ...
Nellie the Elephant is a cartoon series created by Terry Ward on behalf of FilmFair in the United Kingdom that ran between 1989 and 1990. The series featured Lulu as the voice of Nellie ...
The unplanned funny moments and star kids on the show is what makes the Late Late Toy Show a night for all ages ...
Paul first travels to the jungle surrounding Chiang Mai in northern Thailand, an area home to over half the country's 3500 domesticated elephants. It's also home to Thailand's largest elephant ...
For those wishing for a TV the size of their living room wall ... here's how a Titan Zeus would compare next to an elephant. Titan offers a full range of massive displays; the more conservative ...