Lots of people have dyslexia. In fact ... needs information split up for it to make sense. She says: "A lot of instruction is quite hard because you do the first instruction and then you ...
hold on a minute I can do that in a bit…You know just if you let me have the chance. V/O: Pupils with dyslexia need support from their peers, too. When other students and people make comments it ...
The Conversation is different because we amplify knowledgeable voices and bring thoughtful ideas to you and your community. As politicians turn up the volume, we provide a respite from the shouting.
"I felt like I wasn't allowed to do school properly ... continue embracing his dyslexia in his work, saying he "used to try and hide it but now I'm like, this is me". One day he wishes to ...
"I would always try and make ... dyslexia: "You're not alone - it's something to be proud of we shouldn't be embarrassed or ashamed and really focus in on those things you are good at. For me ...
common dyslexia signs at various stages include: “Although these treatments are helpful, they are very time intensive and do not work for all children,” says Amy Margolis, an assistant ...