Bohemia Interactive recently released the highly anticipated DayZ Frostline DLC, but it isn't going over very well with the ...
Fire is essential for survival in DayZ. Learn all the methods for starting a fire and staying alive in the harsh wastelands ...
Spread the loveMastering the Art of Survival in a Hostile World At its heart, DayZ is a game about survival in a world ...
近期,备受玩家关注的生存游戏《DayZ》推出了全新DLC“Frostline”,却意外遭遇了玩家口碑的滑铁卢。据统计,这款DLC在发布后的一个月内,好评率惨淡,仅维持在23%的低水平。众玩家纷纷表达了对DLC内容、质量和定价的不满,指责其缺乏新意且性 ...
GameSpot may get a commission from retail offers. Fans of the zombie survival-horror game DayZ have taken a chunk out of its Steam user-score after developer Bohemia Interactive released a DLC ...
Spread the loveUnderstanding Human Nature Through Virtual Apocalypse DayZ provides a unique lens through which to examine human behavior in extreme situations. The game’s open-world, permadeath system ...
What are the best DayZ servers to join in 2024? We’ve scoured the internet looking for the top DayZ servers and server clusters to cater to all experiences. Whether you’re looking for some ...
近年来,生存类游戏在玩家心中占据了重要位置,而《DayZ》无疑是其中的佼佼者。作为一款经典的开放世界多人在线生存游戏,尽管经历了多次更新和DLC发布,但最近该游戏的新DLC却遭到了大量差评,这引起了玩家和开发者之间广泛的讨论与争议。那么,这次DLC到底发生了什么,为什么会引发如此巨大的反响呢? 一、事件背景:DLC的推出与玩家期待 在过去的几个月里,《DayZ》的开发团队持续不断地对游戏进行更新与 ...
热门丧尸题材多人游戏《DayZ》的寒冬群岛DLC“Frostline”已于10月发布,售价为26.99美元。这一价格受到了很多玩家的吐槽:大家普遍认为这个DLC不值这个价。根据Steam上的评价信息,这个DLC最近仅 ...
最近,广受欢迎的生存游戏《DayZ》推出了新DLC,但这一更新却遭遇了大量玩家的差评。这一现象引发了广泛讨论,玩家们对新内容表示失望 ...
《DayZ》开发商负责人Marek Spanel对游戏新DLC在Steam平台收到大量差评一事进行了吐槽。