Darkman is a 1990 American superhero film directed and co-written by Sam Raimi. It is based on a short story Raimi wrote that paid homage to Universal's horror films of the 1930s. The film stars ...
Darkman is a 1990 American superhero film directed and co-written by Sam Raimi. It is based on a short story Raimi wrote that paid homage to Universal's horror films of the 1930s. The film stars ...
When it came to rating the Hollywood legend's work, they went for his 1990 superheo movie Darkman, that was met with a mixed ...
(Something other than “Taken,” the common standby.) I ended up with 1990’s “Darkman,” a weird, part-superhero, part-horror movie revolving around Neeson as a scientist researching artificial skin.
The one time Darkman was caught on camera was news footage back in 1990. He ostensibly threw an innocent businessman to his death. I compared his being run out of town like Frankenstein by an ...