Dark matter, which makes up 80 percent of all matter in the universe, may have formed in the very short time before the big ...
“The assumption that dark matter and regular matter originated in the same event, the Big Bang, is natural, given its ...
Our best theoretical model for the universe, the Lambda/Cold Dark Matter model (“ΛCDM”), predicts a value for H 0 of 67–68 km/s/Mpc. Our observations, however, put H 0 at around 73 km/s/Mpc.
The rest of the universe appears to be made of a mysterious, invisible substance called dark matter (25 percent) and a force that repels gravity known as dark energy (70 percent). Scientists have ...
A self-correcting atom interferometer amplifies signals, aiding detection of ultra-weak forces from dark matter, dark energy, ...
Detecting evidence of a Dark Big Bang could involve identifying gravitational waves, faint ripples in spacetime first ...
Yet despite researchers’ best efforts over decades to work out the nature of this “dark matter” – to find some clue direct or indirect as to what it’s made of, or even make it in the lab ...