Damien Hirst is the Elvis of the English art world ... His best piece (as he himself has said) is A Thousand Years, a 1990 vitrine containing live flies, maggots and a rotting cow head. It’s less ...
Watch: Artist Damien Hirst burns own artwork ... which means that many physical artworks will be burned Hirst launched his first NFT collection last year, called The Currency, which was made ...
But Damien Hirst is in no doubt about his talent - and ... Now that has changed. "After 25 years of paintings spots perfectly they felt like me when I was in my 20s. But now I'm in my 50s, I ...
A series of works by Turner Prize-winning artist Damien Hirst will be exhibited in Guernsey over the Christmas period. The Conversations with Hirst exhibition, run by Art for Guernsey, is on from ...