"The discrepancy between the observed expansion rate of the universe and the predictions of the standard model suggests that ...
The mystery of dark matter, this invisible substance that would make up nearly 80% of the Universe, seems to be taking an ...
JWST measured the distances between stars and galaxies in universe, which confirmed earlier measurements made by the Hubble ...
These instruments, like the Hubble Space Telescope, reported a value of around 73 km/s/Mpc. The difference between these ...
Astronomers have discovered that large flows of cold gas created by collisions between galaxies in the early universe may ...
NASA’s SPHEREx observatory will lend insight into what happened after the Big Bang, measure the glow of galaxies near and far ...
Recent studies have successfully observed magnetic shockwaves in the cosmic web by examining radio emissions between galaxy ...
The Hubble tension is one of the most hotly debated discrepancies in all of astronomy. It centers around a number called the ...
The Anthropic Principle—stating that the universe we live in is fine-tuned to host life—was first proposed by Brandon Carter ...
Recent observations from the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) challenge the previously held cosmic theory on the universe's ...
The latest findings, published in The Astrophysical Journal on December 9, offer a high-precision measurement of the Hubble ...