9). However, this example involves protein-protein interactions. RNA-mediated association of two distinct chromatin remodeling complexes to coordinate methylation has not been shown previously.
The Whitehouse lab is broadly interested in understanding how chromatin functions in the regulation of cellular processes such as DNA replication, gene transcription and epigenetics. We focus on ...
cfDNA coverage shows an inverse relationship with both chromatin accessibility and gene expression levels, Using this relationship and machine learning identify patients with cancer.
With this decision, PICh (proteomics of isolated chromatin segments ... of this approach in the extension of genome-wide association studies. In a GWAS scientists find SNPs that confer ...
Then, Dr. Karmella A. Haynes (Emory University School of Medicine) will discuss her lab’s research into chromatin, the DNA-protein structure that packages eukaryotic genes, and their work to ...