It was therefore often referred to as “Darwin's moth”. The Peppered moth is common throughout the British Isles though more locally distributed in Scotland. It has a wingspan from 44-56mm and can be ...
A HUNDRED years ago, or perhaps even less, a man who displayed a fondness for collecting insects was commonly regarded as a weak-minded individual, whose power of managing his own affairs ...
It's been reported that the number of clothes-eating moths is surging. But are there figures to back this up? You'll know if they're in your home. Hundreds of little creamy-white insects cluster ...
A new species of moth was discovered in a home in Wales, thousands of miles from its native habitat A new species of moth was found in a home in south Wales after travelling thousands of miles in ...
We are digitising more than half a million British and Irish butterflies and moths, as a pilot for the digitisation of all pinned collections. The project is the first pilot for the mass digitisation ...