"Girls Band Cry" stands out as one of the best CGI anime, showcasing smooth animation and music as its theme. Shows like "Kengan Ashura" use CGI to enhance violence, making the fights more ...
The Chinese animated series Link Click ... gripping plot. With great fight scenes and a nostalgic 90's aesthetic, Tokyo Revengers is a must-see. Parasyte may not involve time travel, but it shares ...
While each fight is exciting by itself, the series' animation will likely elevate ... While Black Clover anime did not perform the best when it first came out, it slowly turned into a hit after ...
A young girl named Andy, living in Wrestling World, endeavors to become the best pro-wrestler ever and takes on the alias of “Fight Girl.” What does this have to do with Invincible Fight Girl? Well, ...
The Best Anime Series to Watch Right Now Anime has captured the hearts of people around the world with its brilliant visuals, intricate storytelling, and unforg ...