In 2016, NASA embarked on a new and unique mission: sending the Osiris-REx spacecraft to rendezvous with the asteroid Bennu to study the rocky space object and collect samples to return to ...
An asteroid sample may have come from a planet with carbon and water NASA believes the Bennu asteroid samples could help explain the origin of life READ MORE: NASA's first asteroid samples land on ...
Beyond the answers to the origins of life and the formation of our solar system, studying Bennu is also important for protecting humanity and the planet as it is representative of some of the ...
If Bennu were to collide with the planet, the energy released would be equivalent to 1.4 billion tons of TNT, causing significant regional damage. First observed in 1950 and rediscovered after 50 ...
A capsule carrying precious samples from asteroid Bennu landed on Earth on Sunday. Nasa scientists hope the material could give hints to how life here began. BBC Science editor Rebecca Morelle ...
Bennu's dust is rich in carbon, nitrogen, and organic compounds, which are essential components for life, as found by the OSIRIS-REx Sample Analysis Team. The sample is dominated by clay minerals ...
NASA has successfully returned a 250-gram sample of dirt from a near-Earth asteroid called Bennu. Scientists around ... clues to the origins of life on our planet. More from News NASA has ...
Radio signals from 330 million km away confirm the probe made contact with the 500m-wide object known as Bennu. But the Nasa-led mission will have to wait on further data from Osiris-Rex before it ...