Although it isn't the largest or deepest ocean, the Atlantic Ocean is home to some pretty strange animals, from venomous ...
Fishers raised questions today about how federal enforcement officers will cope if a proposal to increase the number of ...
Every year, eels leave European rivers to travel in an epic migration to the Sargasso Sea in the North Atlantic to breed for a single time, then die. Although this final destination has long been ...
Conger eels are the largest eels in the world, but fishermen rarely catch specimens of this size. According to Plymouth Fisheries, the current world record for an angler-caught conger eel stands ...
After an amazing migration to the centre of the Atlantic the mature conger eel spawns only once and then dies soon afterwards. The young of the conger eel are called 'straps'. The conger is most ...
Dawn Reiss, who works for commercial licence holder Atlantic Canada Eels, asked enforcement officers at the meeting how enforcement will change in 2025 under the proposed pilot project and ...
"Eels are such a wonderful species because they ... around five years before migrating to the Sargasso Sea in the North Atlantic to spawn before returning to Europe. Children have been releasing ...