The finale of The 8 Deaths of Spider-Man introduces the Spider-Naut, a mash-up of Spider-Man and the Juggernaut ...
Spider-Man uses his last extra life and faces true death—enter the mysterious Spider-Naut.
By running multiple comic series a month, Marvel could deliver more Spider-Man content to eager fans and tell several ...
In Amazing Spider-Man #63, Peter Parker faces Cyrios, Scion of Cyttorak, for a heartbreaking journey through his past and future deaths. Can Spidey alter his tragic timeline?
On sale August 23rd, Amazing Spider ... during Marvel Comics’ San Diego Comic-Con panel. “So it’s afun reversal of the usual [dynamic], and it’s fun to see Spider-Man getsome revenge ...
In a stunning twist to Marvel‘s mystical epic 8 Deaths of Spider-Man, Peter Parker’s final transformation might be his most dramatic yet – taking on the powers of the unstoppable Juggernaut. The ...