The actor recently opened up about playing the SSR agent in the short-lived Marvel Cinematic Universe series, Agent Carter, which ran for two seasons on ABC back in the mid-2010s. In an interview ...
Ten years ago this week, Marvel Television launched Agent Carter on ABC — a spy series revolving around Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell) following the events of Captain America: The First Avenger.
there was Agent Peggy Carter, who pledged the same oath but lived in a different time, when women weren't recognized as being as smart or as tough as their male counterparts. But no one should ...
The actor is set to reprise her role as Agent Peggy Carter in the fifth Avengers film, according to Deadline. Atwell first appeared as the MI6 agent in 2011's Captain America: The First Avenger ...
who Deadline is reporting has signed on to reprise her role as Agent Peggy Carter in the Russo Brothers-directed blockbuster. This latest casting news comes just days after the bombshell report ...
Sources tell Deadline that Hayley Atwell is expected to reprise her Agent Carter role in the film, which Anthony and Joe Russo are returning to direct and Marvel president Kevin Feige on board to ...