Good Morning America is a leading daytime show on ABC. The show, which has been on air since 1975, features news, interviews, weather forecasts, special-interest stories, and feature segments with ...
Longtime ABC News star George Stephanopoulos has reached a new deal that will keep him at ABC News and as an anchor on “Good Morning America” for the near term. The news should end speculation ...
The 'Good Morning America' and 'This Week' anchor's new ABC deal was not connected to the settlement with President-elect Trump, which was inked this past weekend. By Alex Weprin Media & Business ...
On Wednesday, ABC will premiere “The Untold Story of Mary Poppins: A Special Edition of 20/20,” a two-hour special chock full of rarely seen footage, photos and stories from the film’s ...
Pic credit: ABC Good Morning America anchor Robin Roberts advised her co-star George Stephanopoulos to be careful with his suggestions to their show’s producers. Robin knows the show’s format ...