The Tapestry, designed by the world-renowned architectural firm Pei Cobb Freed & MHG Architects represents a reimagined concept of New York living with a strong emphasis on sustainability and …
The Tapestry, designed by the world-renowned architectural firm Pei Cobb Freed & MHG Architects represents a reimagined concept of New York living with a strong emphasis on sustainability and environmental consciousness. This innovative development is not only a residential space but a dynamic community where diversity thrives. Located strategically at the Gateway to Manhattan, Tapestry offers residents easy access to a plethora of amenities, making it a hub of convenience. Whether you’re in search of shopping, dining, entertainment, or green spaces, you’ll find them all within reach. The proximity to the subway, bus, and train lines ensures that you can easily reach any part of the city, be it downtown, midtown, or even beyond Manhattan.